
Agent Name: Yapah S.


Complete Your Consultation

Please Watch The Video To Learn More

To Begin Your Registration & Consultation Process,
Complete The Quick Steps Below​

Begin Your Consultation Process Today!

Step 1

Register For Monitoring

Register with our Preferred Monitoring Account. We use FICO Monitoring in our software to ensure clients receive the most accurate scoring available.

Step 2

Register For
In The Portal

Register in Portal. Complete your registration for Credit Consultation

Step 3

Calendar For Onboarding

In this step you are scheduling your onboarding call with our client support team. Prior to your appointment, you will receive an email with steps to register within the client portal. We ask that you check your inbox or junk folder within 24 – 48 hours for these easy instructions. During your call we will confirm receipt of everything needed from you so work can begin on your file.

Step 4

Client Goals Questionnaire

In this step, we ask that you complete the online questionnaire. This helps us gather information about you so we can help you reach your credit and financial goals.

Step 1

FICO Score Monitoring

Register with our Preferred Monitoring Account. We use FICO Monitoring in our software to ensure clients receive the most accurate scoring available.

Step 2

VIP Client Portal

Register in Portal. Complete your registration for Free Credit Consultation

Step 3

Payment Fee For

In this step, you are submitting your setup/analysis fee for us to begin the processing of your file. You will be able to select either our premium program or our elite legal sweep program. The best thing about our program, is you will receive credit for your monthly payments as we report to the bureaus after your second payment.

Step 4

Calendar For Onboarding

In this step you are scheduling your onboarding call with our client support team. Prior to your appointment, you will receive an email with steps to register within the client portal. We ask that you check your inbox or junk folder within 24 – 48 hours for these easy instructions. During your call we will confirm receipt of everything needed from you so work can begin on your file.

Step 5

Client Goals Questionnaire

In this step, we ask that you complete the online questionnaire. This helps us gather information about you so we can help you reach your credit and financial goals.

Proof Of Services

Credit Scores Show The Real Result


What Our Clients Have To Say

"I would like to start by thanking you for all of your excellent services, support & assistance with helping in restoring my credit profile to where it is today, as well as for providing many good opportunities still to come in the months & years ahead.

I have utilized MANY other credit repair services in the past 10+ years and you are without any doubt the best & most professional, results producing Consultant in your field. Thank you! :)"
James M.
Tucson AZ
“I've tried many company's and have lost over $2,000 trying to fix my credit. This program was easy to understand & to implement. Your support was beyond excellent!”
Michael Freeman
New York
"Monique is AMAZING. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on credit repair companies and people telling me that they can repair my credit. They would tell me the "typical" story of 90 days and my credit would be better. After 90 days, there would be no results and my personal goals would be put on hold again time after time. NO ONE produced results but Monique. She told me that I would see a difference within 3-4 weeks of her starting on my credit. Well 2 weeks and 5 days after she started my file, I received an update that my credit scores had changed. My Experian went from a 576 to a 717 (141 point jump) and my Transunion went from a 608 to a 712 (104 point jump). I cant wait to see what my Equifax will be once it updates. Monique produces results and I'm glad to have someone in my corner that can help me accomplish my goals quickly. WOW my life is really coming together now. Thanks Monique!!!"
Cam Deaver
North Carolina
"I just checked my credit file after 4 weeks and my scores increased over 100 points on each bureau. I am ready for funding!"
Martin Davis
New York City
“I've been living with bad credit for years. I started your program and within 41 days, my scores increased over 70 points each! I now have scores in the mid-700's! Thank you!”
Cynthia Desmond